Once logged into the portal, click the profile link () at bottom of your screen. Then click the "Reset Security Questions" option.
I've been locked out of the patient portal. How do I regain access? +
For security purposes, if you are locked out of the portal you must bring photo identification to a Sexual Health Clinic to regain access to the portal.
When can I expect a response to my messages sent to the clinic? +
Clinic staff will return your message within 2 business days. If your message is sent after hours on Fridays or during a holiday you can expect a response on the next business day.
Why aren't all my lab results available in the portal? +
Most lab results are available in the portal 7-10 business days after the test was done. Some test require you to return to the clinic for consultation before they can be posted online. If it is outside of the 7-10 day period or you did not get a message to return to clinic please call 877-364-8191 Monday through Friday 9am to 4:30pm.
How do I update my contact information? +
On your next visit to a Sexual Health Clinic, please be sure to let the registration staff know about any changes to your demographic or contact information.
Who has access to my information? +
We take patient confidentiality very seriously therefore, patients are the only ones who can get access to their health information on the portal. It is important to keep your security questions and other login information private. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.
How do I reschedule my referral appointment? +
From the home screen select Referrals () then click on the appointment you wish to reschedule. There will be a phone number to call and speak to someone at the referral location.
How do I know when I need my next vaccine? +
From the home screen select Treatment History. There you can review a list of the vaccines you've received from our clinics, the date you received it and the date the next vaccine should be given.
What if I don't understand my test results? +
It is our policy to have someone attempt to contact you if your results require an additional visit. You can also call the call center at 877-364-8191 Monday through Friday 9am to 4:30pm if you have any questions.
The Sexual Health Patient PortalPortal is a HIPAA-compliant web application developed by the Bureau of Sexually Transmitted Infections within the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Patients can:
access test results online 24/7
communicate securely with clinic staff
view treatment and vaccine history
learn about sexual health
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